Moyosoreoluwa Oladoye International Representative Candidate
My name is Moyosoreoluwa Oladoye and I am a 2nd year student here at the University of Lethbridge majoring in Finance at the Dhillon School of Business. I am a current Student Mentor here at the University also enrolled in the Co-operative Education Program. I am an active participant here on campus always looking forward to making use of the available resources here on campus. I take part in various extracurricular activities on campus through volunteering and taking up leadership roles in various clubs. I am an international student who is miles away from home, irrespective of that fact, I have been able to build a community here in the Lethbridge community and this is proof of my personality, an outgoing, goal-driven individual. I am someone who prides herself in success and excellence and this also feeds into my academic excellence. In spite of my involvement in diverse ways, I am someone who is hinged on academic excellence and I strive daily for this. In addition, I pride myself on growth, in every area and as such I take part in various workshops and events held by the Student Professional Development Body, and get various LinkedIn Certifications necessary for my early career growth. An interesting fact about me is that I enjoy content creation and as such I have a YouTube channel that I started a little over 3 years ago that has a little under 900 subscribers and over 30,000 cumulative views.
What do you know about the position you are running for?
What are some of the initiatives you would like to implement if you are elected?
According to the data gathered and uploaded on the University of Lethbridge’s website as of 2022, there are over 700 international students and I can assure you that those numbers have increased. My name is Moyosoreoluwa Oladoye and I am an international student vying for the position of the international students’ representative for the 2024/2025 academic session. I am here to let you know that I am not just a part of those numbers and so are the other 700 students. We are individuals who are thousands of miles away from home who have taken that bold step to make that choice to come here to Canada, the University of Lethbridge in particular to study, and we do not just want to be a part of that number. I recently had a conversation with an alumnus of this school and I asked her what had changed since her schooling days? she said and I quote “There has been an increase in the number of students, however, the resources available are not matching that increase and that the university that was once at the top in ranking when it came to student’s services but is not anymore.” We can’t deny the fact that one of the major rates of student increase has been from international students. And it’s sad to see how this is taken as an avenue to make students a form of revenue generator. I am running for the position of international student representative to be the voice of every single international student and to highlight distinctively the worth and personal brand of every one of us and increase inclusivity when it comes to the decision-making process that affects the university experience of the students.