Denver Bysterveld ORS - VP Coulee View Candidate
Oki, and hello everyone! My name is Denver Bysterveld and I am running in the ORS General Elections for Vice President of Coulee View! Academically, I am a second year Political Science / Pre-Ed Social Studies major and love all things politics and technology! I know Political Science can sound scary, but I truly love all the processes that come with it! I am currently a Resident Assistant on D/E 3 in University Hall and I believe that my experiences will fit nicely and provide support as a potential VP of Coulee View! Some of my favorite memories from this year have come from the events I have helped execute, whether that is the residence wide Stampeders event, or the Wii Sports tournament that saw people connect through the art of bowling! I have very thoroughly enjoyed my time as a University Hall RA and would love to show my experience through an executive position. I want to be a leader for both residents and incoming RAs and show my passion for all things residence! I look forward to the potential of the role to create memorable experiences for Coulee View residents to be able to look back on for years to come. If elected, I will do my best to make the 2024-2025 academic year the most memorable in Coulee View yet! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out, and remember, Den4VP!
What do you know about the position you are running for?
What are some of the initiatives you would like to implement if you are elected?
My platform is based on the acronym Den4VP, defining values that I feel are important to the leadership of residence, and specifically, the role as Vice President in Coulee View! Dynamic – If elected, I want to provide a dynamic approach to everything I do, whether that is providing solutions for issues that may arise, or events that will occur. Expectations are different for every individual, so I would like to cater solutions and events that will meet these expectations! Engaging - I love to interact with residents and be engaged with the community, and if elected, I intend to share this passion with the RAs and rest of residence, with the goal of working towards an engaged community that each member has a sense of belonging in! Neighbourly – If elected, I hope to foster a community that is neighbourly to one another, encouraging friendly interactions and meaningful relationships be built within the community. 4 Everyone – If elected, I intend to create and work towards a space that is 4 everyone, doing the best I can to make all people feel welcome, cared for, and included within the residence and university community. Vibrant - If elected, I would like to make Coulee View the most vibrant it ever has been! I will do this by hosting events that occur regularly, such as weekly game/movie nights, study nights, etc. This is with the intention of fostering interactions that will brighten up the experience of living on campus! Persistent - If elected, I will strive to be persistent in my interactions and duties that are before me, creating an environment that is predictable and efficient in everything that I do!